Vaping Kratom: What you should know about it

Kratom is an incredibly popular herb with a variety of different issues. While it is traditionally consumed orally, often as a capsule, many people are now starting to look into the idea of vaping Kratom. On this page, we want to tell you everything that you need to know about Kratom vaping.

Kratom is a plant in the coffee family. Kratom is said to have several benefits when consumed. This includes:

  • Energy boosting
  • Relieving pain
  • Reducing anxiety
  • Increases focus
  • Helping to deal with certain drug addictions

Traditionally, Kratom would be taken in pill form. However, more and more people are starting to open their eyes to the world of vaping Kratom. Let’s take a little look at this in more depth, shall we?

How Do You Vape Kratom?

Due to the increase in the number of people vaping Kratom, there are now more Kratom products than ever on the market. In fact, you have a choice about how you want to go about vaping Kratom.

The most-popular method is to use an herbal vaporizer. While there are no specific Kratom vaporizers on the market, any normal herbal vaporizer should be fine. You just need to ensure that it goes up to at least 200-degrees Celsius. This is the optimal point for vaping Kratom.

kratom smoking

The one thing that you need to be aware of when using a herbal vaporizer for Kratom is that the chamber of the vaporizer needs to be a bit on the larger size. Kratom isn’t really something you can vape with small chambers. This is because you need a lot of Kratom to get any benefit from it.

The second option is to use e-liquids. While it is the more expensive option, it is easier to vape e-liquids. The problem is that there are very few Kratom e-liquids on the market right now, but it is likely that the range will expand in the future. Kratom is exceedingly popular.

The Pros of Vaping Kratom

If you regularly consume Kratom, then you may want to try and consume it in different ways. While vaping Kratom is going to have much in the same way of benefits as consuming a capsule, the whole ‘hit’ that it gives you is going to be completely different. It seems to have a bit more of an ‘edge’ to it. Some people love the experience of vaping Kratom, while others are not huge fans. If you regularly consume Kratom, it is always worth trying out vaping. You never know, you may enjoy the experience.

The main ‘benefit’ is how quickly the Kratom will impact the system. It is going to be almost instant. This is a stark contrast to how long it takes if you take it in pill form. It can often take many hours for you to see any sort of impact from the Kratom. This probably isn’t going to be brilliant if you are looking to deal with anxiety right away, or perhaps deal with pain instantly.

As we said before; there are a lot of people that will use Kratom to recover from certain addictions This mainly means opioid addiction. However, it can also help a person to recover from more ‘minor’ addictions. This includes smoking. Now, as you may well know, there are two components to smoking addiction:

  • The addiction to the nicotine
  • The addiction to the ‘feel’ of smoking.

While Kratom vaping cannot help with the former, it can certainly help with the latter. If you vape Kratom, then it will feel as if you are properly smoking. Of course, it doesn’t carry any of the negatives of smoking, so it is just going to be a lot healthier for you in general.

The Downsides of Vaping Kratom

The major issue of vaping Kratom is that it can be very expensive. While Kratom capsules and tea can be found just about everywhere, it can be pretty difficult to find the stuff you need to vape Kratom. This is before you even consider the fact that you need a vaporizer, and they are going to take a little bit of love and care to ensure that they always work effectively (i.e. the components will need to be replaced pretty often)

This leads us neatly onto our next point; vaping Kratom is not going to be anywhere near as effective as consuming it in any other way. This is because most Kratom will not be in a concentrated form i.e. if you consume it in a herbal vaporizer, you will need a lot of Kratom to get the same hit you would get from a cup of Kratom tea. This is because Vaporizer in a herbal form will be quite lightweight, and there will be a bit of moisture in it. A lot of the herb is going to be absolutely useless. To get that big hit, you will need to be constantly packing the vaporizer with more herbs. This problem is alleviated a little bit if you use e-liquids, but it is still not going to be anywhere near as effective as capsules.

Part of the reason why Kratom will not be as effective is due to the temperature that it needs to be vaporized at. Since you are vaporizing it at 200C, all of the alkaloids are going to be ‘killed off’. The fewer alkaloids there are in the Kratom vapor, the less-effective it is going to be. You may be able to get away with vaporizing at a lower temperature, but it may not completely vaporize.

For the most part, vaping Kratom is going to be a good idea. It is an enjoyable experience, even if it may be a little bit weaker than capsules. Most people that start vaping their Kratom never turn back.


Vaping Kratom may be new, but is an experience a lot of people love. If you regularly use Kratom, or you are considering using it, then you owe it to yourself to try vaping it at least once.

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